7 Common Problems Students Face During University Life

Starting university is like starting a new life. When students leave home for university, they embark on a new journey, one that of self-reliance and self-discovery, which largely shapes up their outlook on life in the longer run.

Most students are not prepared for the challenges of university and end up being overwhelmed, which results in them taking extra time to adjust to their new life. That is fine, as long as you eventually get comfortable with university life, but a far better course of action would be to prepare yourself, mentally and emotionally, for any problem you may face at college and university level.

Here are a few issues you should be ready to deal with as a university student.

1. Adjustment to New Life

Starting university, especially in a new city or even a new country, can be a daunting experience. The hustle and bustle of campus, the myriad of faces, and the sheer size of the institution can be overwhelming.

According to the Department Of Education, many students face challenges as they adjust to their new environment. The first year of university is always extra hard when it comes to adjustment to university life so you should be expecting to at least get a culture shock because of how different things would be compared to home or school.

Additionally, it is important to not get in a frenzy over getting everything right. Give yourself some time, and expect to get a little bamboozled, but always stay confident that eventually you will come to love the university life.

2. Homesickness

student Homesickness

Being away from home, especially for the first time, can be tough. The comfort of your family, the familiarity of your hometown, and the routines you’ve grown up with are suddenly gone.

According to the American Psychological Association, homesickness is a common challenge faced by many university students. Since it is the first time being away from home for most students, homesickness can strike very hard. However, thanks to the modern means of communication, most students feeling homesick can stay connected with their parents, family members, and friends over the internet.

Staying Connected

During my first semester, I would call my parents every evening, recounting my day to them. It provided a sense of comfort and connection. With the advent of video calls, it became even easier to bridge the distance. Virtual family dinners became a regular occurrence for me.

3. Pressure of Studies

The academic rigor of university can be a significant shift from high school. The depth of study, the complexity of assignments, and the expectations can be much higher.

According to the Science Direct, the transition from high school to university can be challenging academically for many students. Most students are paying their education expenses themselves so the pressure on them to get good grades is immense.

Even if it is not them paying, there are still massive social and educational repercussions of not succeeding in the studies. Students should expect the studies to be much harder than before, and at the same time, should focus more on learning rather than getting a good GPA.

Facing Academic Challenges

In my first year, I was taken aback by the depth and breadth of my coursework. The long reading lists, intricate assignments, and high expectations were a far cry from my high school days. But with time, I learned the art of time management, effective study techniques, and seeking help when needed.

Pressure of Studies

4. Cost of Education

The financial burden of university can be a significant stressor for many students. From tuition fees to living expenses, the costs can quickly add up.

Ever since the most recent increase in the cost of higher education in the UK, the number of students seeking professional counseling has significantly increased. Mental health issues are surfacing more than ever in students. You should realize that the only way you can avoid mental anxiety and make the expenses worth is when you enjoy your time in the university, focus on your studies and keep a nice balance between the two.

Budgeting and Financial Planning

During my time at university, I quickly realized the importance of budgeting. Tracking my expenses, cutting unnecessary costs, and seeking financial advice helped me manage my finances better. There were also several scholarships and grants available, which I applied for, easing the financial burden.

5. Finding New Friends

Building a new social circle in a new environment can be challenging. But it’s essential to remember that everyone is in the same boat.

The initial weeks of university are crucial for social bonding. It is difficult to make friends at a new place, but don’t make the mistake of thinking that you will have to fit in with people who have different interests in order to make new friends at university. You can be yourself and find friends at the same time, you just have to be patient and involve yourself in activities that you like.

Finding New Friends - student

6. Housing Problems

Finding the right accommodation can be a significant challenge, especially in cities where student housing is in high demand.

Many students face challenges in finding suitable accommodation that fits their budget and meets their needs. You may get a place in the hostel or dorm, but it is really difficult to find student accommodation that is right for you. You have to consider factors such as distance, rent rates, facilities, roommates, etc. Students face housing problems all the time, so if you can, have a place ready before you leave home. Student accommodation is a big issue in the UK, and you would do well to have a solution prepared.

Exploring Options

During my search for accommodation, I explored various options, from university dorms to private rentals. Each had its pros and cons. While dorms provided the convenience of being close to campus, private rentals offered more freedom and often more spacious living conditions. It’s essential to start your search early and consider what’s most important to you.

7. Time Management

University life is a juggling act. Between classes, assignments, social activities, and possibly part-time work, managing one’s time effectively becomes crucial.

According to the Educational Time Management Society, effective time management can significantly impact academic success and overall well-being. From trying to study to living alone and doing the required chores, to maintaining a social life, to possibly working some sort of a job to help with expenses, students often find themselves stretched thin. They sleep in irregular patterns and do everything at the last minute.

Time Management


How can I deal with academic burnout during university?

Academic burnout can be addressed by taking regular breaks, seeking counseling, engaging in hobbies, and maintaining a balanced lifestyle. It’s essential to recognize the signs early and seek support.

Are there any resources on campus to help with mental health?

Yes, most universities offer counseling services, mental health workshops, and peer support groups. It’s crucial to reach out and utilize these resources.

How can I manage my finances better as a student?

Consider creating a monthly budget, exploring student discounts, avoiding unnecessary expenses, and seeking part-time employment or internships that align with your field of study.

What if I feel isolated or left out in university?

Engage in campus activities, join clubs or societies, attend social events, and consider joining study groups. Remember, many students feel the same way, and reaching out can make a difference.

How can I ensure a balanced diet while living away from home?

Learn basic cooking skills, plan meals ahead, opt for healthier food choices in the cafeteria, and avoid excessive junk food. Universities often have nutrition workshops or resources available.